BUSINESS Spotlight On :
SMS HomeBody Collection
Founded in 2014 by Farryn Jenel, SMS originally started as a beauty, health, and wellness agency. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Farryn, a licensed esthetician and registered yoga instructor, and her mother, Judith, decided to expand the SMS brand and collaborate on all-natural bath and body products and accessories, the result: The SMS HomeBody Collection. This collection consists of readily-available all-natural bath and body products that customers can find in one place.
Carefully and thoughtfully curated, the HomeBody Collection uses authentic all-natural ingredients that smell wonderful and are intended to enhance the skin's texture and glow. Each product is made by hand in small batches using pure, undiluted, and therapeutic essential oils, fair trade sugar, and premium oil blends. HomeBody is a Cruelty-free, GMO-free, and vegan collection that will transform any home into its own private spa.