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Life has a way of sometimes becoming mundane, if you allow it. Our daily life and responsibilities can start to get the best of us...that is, only if we let it. My recommended work around is reimaging your life and bringing a spark back into your personal or professional routine.

I’d say a good place to start to make some change would be to write down or review a list of the things you enjoy doing the most. Then, write or review a previously made list of your current personal or professional routine. If, in doing this you find a deficit of things that you enjoy or that sparks your passion, then you know the problem. 

The next step would be to map out or create a blueprint of what you want your re-imagined personal or professional life to look like. It’s okay that you may not know all the steps at this point to get there, that will come later. There is a chance that in this step of the process, you may need to consider tweaking a resume, cleaning out or updating your wardrobe or planning that staycation that will help you on the path to getting your groove back. 

Next, once you’ve created some sort of map, it’s time to determine what is needed to achieve your goals. It may mean reaching out to a personal or professional contact to make a referral or even give you a few pointers. Maybe, it’s as simple as signing up for that online dance or cooking class, or even taking a continuing education course in order to level-up. Whatever your desired goals, action will always yield results and taking the necessary steps in order to re-imagine how to create the best life possible, is certain to leave you satisfied!

We live in a world that can thrive off of extremes; whether we’re working too hard or think others are not enough. We condemn the meat eaters while celebrating the latest vegan craze. There are those who exercise religiously, while they’re those that don’t at all. Then you have your avid savers and your “live for the day” spenders. Somewhere in between all these extremes, is a fine balance. 

Balance can always pose to be a challenge; not just because, like me, you may go into it with the best intentions only to realize your efforts are futile, but likely because you’re trying to take on doing it without understanding what you want your desired outcome to be. For example, I’ve given much thought to the idea of going vegan, or vegetarian, and I’ve realized that I enjoy meat and dairy and have decided to put more of my attention to continuing to eat a well-balanced meal instead. I realize some may find their diet could presumably achieve this in another way, but it’s all about finding what works for you. 

I don’t believe there is one way to achieve true balance. I think varying factors have to be taken into consideration, starting with what your ultimate goal is, what’s driving your thought process and if it will provide a level of noticeable benefit to you and those around you. For instance, I consider myself to be a very dedicated worker; I give one hundred percent to my business and my work but when a certain amount of months have passed and I find that I am able to take some form of a vacation, I recognize that I’m not performing at my most optimal level. 

There’s an intentionality I have to have about knowing that a good balance includes a vacation or getaway about every quarter. Knowing this about myself helps me to alleviate the unnecessary side effects when balance may not be attained. Is this to say things always go as planned? No, but at least I’m mindful about areas like this that bring balance to my life and ultimately make me feel more balanced. 

Take a moment to evaluate the areas where you find balance and those where you don’t. In the areas where you don’t, maybe there’s an opportunity to adjust the mindset or lack of understanding that may be preventing you from achieving your sweet spot for balance. It’s amazing how tweaking small things in how you approach life can allow you to find true balance. It can truly be a game changer in your journey.

Up until March 11, 2020 my company, Elements of Delight, had experienced a steady increase in revenue; a direct result of a solid roster of clients that came through marketing, networking and referrals. My business was built on a foundation of faith, passion, perseverance, and dedication, no different than other businesses. We’ve weathered our share of challenges while always being able to overcome them. When I got the first client call stating they would have to put a pause on our projects, then the second, and third, followed by several more, I knew Covid-19 and its effects were not going to pass without leaving it’s share of collateral damage. 

By the time, I received word on March 24th that my mayor was imposing a “Shelter in Place” order, it was clear that we’d be in this for the long haul. My business was going to take a hit, but the question was, how would I handle it. Instead of throwing a pity party, I immediately started to evaluate my options. While doing a little online research, I came across several grant opportunities meant to assist small businesses, like mine, affected by Covid-19. I filled out each application carefully, hoping that my efforts would produce my desired results. 

Each application stated their closing date, referenced their guidelines for the review process, and mentioned that emails would be sent out indicating their final decision within the next several weeks. This was my first time applying for any grant funding, but realized how helpful it would be to have some additional support at this time. As the email responses rolled in, there was one thoughtfully composed email after the other stating that “the need was greater then the current fund resources, and unfortunately I wasn’t one of the companies selected.” 

Certain that my company was just as qualified to apply for these grants as the hundreds of thousands of others, I continued to wait patiently as the remaining emails rolled in. You can imagine my excitement when I opened my final email and it read “Thank you for submitting your application for the Doonie Fund - We are excited to inform you that you've been selected!”

Though, I truly believe in my business and the work we do, this email was just the encouragement I needed at that particular moment. It was a reminder to me that in order to get opportunities, you have to seize them. I am so grateful for the funds my company received, but more importantly, I appreciate that someone believed in my company enough to invest in it. Thank you digitalundivided! 

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