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There are various ways to exhibit self expression; one of the main ways is through fashion. Finding a style that works for you can be inspired by our personality, the type of profession you’re in or the latest trends.

There is no question that many times personality plays into the type of fashion someone is likely to lean towards. This is very true for me. I generally have a pretty upbeat outlook and most times you can find me wearing bright colors. Then, other times when I’m leaning into the cool, calm and collective Praise, you can find me in black, pastels, and neutrals. When you’re guided by your personality, your color choices and wardrobe pairings can be on a spectrum.

There are times where the type of industry you’re in is a key factor in your fashion choices. For example, many of my clients and those I know in the legal field seem to lean towards grays, navy blues and black. Then, in the entertainment industry, color, shiny and bling seems to be the go-to - the more they stand out the better.

Then, there are the fashion weeks that set the season's trends. Some people set their clocks by this. The moment the ready-to-wear variation of the runway looks hit the stores, it doesn’t have much time on the rack before it’s in your closet. As much as I’m one who loves to see the season's latest trends, it’s amazing how with time fashion seems to recycle. For this reason, I tend to pair old with new.

It’s amazing what we can tell about a person through their fashion choices. Whether it’s expressing your personality, dressing to impress in the boardroom or rocking the latest trend, have fun with it. And, if you need a little help in this department, reach out to me! This is a service Elements of Delight®️ provides!

Is it possible that two words could have such a profound impact if they were regularly applied…yes! It seems so simple for kindness to rule the day; the question is, why does it seem these days that it doesn’t always reign supreme? Even as I ask myself these questions, there is the other part of me that continues to say, be the change you want to see. So I’m taking this opportunity to reflect and share how I can be more intentional about being kind, whether it’s in the things I say to others, the action I display or in my thinking.

The saying goes, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. This could not be further from the truth. The way we speak to others can have a profound impact on how we make those around us feel. That’s why it’s so important to show kindness through words. This doesn’t even require that you know someone well. Making a perfect stranger's day by saying something thoughtful could be just what was needed to turn that person's day around. Because of the increased stress that so many people deal with, offering encouragement is one of the simplest ways to show kindness.

Because being kind isn’t just relegated to what we say, showing acts of kindness to those around us, not only has a lasting impact on the recipients but it also has a way of making the giver feel rewarded as well. I can’t count the number of times where I’ve shown an act of kindness, the warm and fuzzy feeling it gives me, but sometimes it requires intentionality and it doesn’t always have to be anything big. Something as simple as looking back to open the door for someone walking behind you or letting someone ahead of you in the grocery line that had fewer items can be thoughtful gestures.

Beyond what we say and what we do, there is also learning to be kind even with your thoughts. This could be related to what you think about yourself or someone else. Not to sound “out there” but there is considerable evidence to show that what we think does impact us and others. That’s why it’s important to show kindness to yourself and others in this way. In line with this, because what we think plays into what we say and do, there is a direct connection.

There could not be a more ideal time to practice kindness than now. As we watch the daily news, stream online programming or scroll through social media, it’s evident that we need to go back to the basics. At the core of that is treating our fellow man with kindness. This can be exemplified in what we say, what we do and even how we think. We all have a responsibility to want to be kind to ourselves and others and it doesn’t take a special formula, just a little intentionality. I submit to you today to keep it simple…Be Kind!

The beginning of a new year always presents a fresh opportunity to create a “new you.” With this can come the spectrum of transformations. Some transformations require simple adjustments, while others dictate a more intense, long term process. Most would say that the level to which an individual commits to the process is congruent to the results and long term benefits achieved. The “why” and the “what” needs to be considered to seek the best chance at success.

It goes without saying that you get out what you put in. When evaluating the type of transformative goal you have, it’s always important to be clear about the “why”. The reason for this is, it helps to build the foundation in order to yield the best results. Oftentimes when we are not clear on the “why” that means we are doing something that correlates to the level of comment we are giving.

Beyond the “why”, it’s what is necessary to see the transformation through. Having a clear lay of the land as they say will assist in this. Ways this can be defined is by understanding the variables including; cost, time commitment, support needs, professional experience and skill set of others. Along with this is the importance of clearly defining what, if anything, is involved in order to achieve optimal benefits or results.

Whether your eyes are set on a simple transformation; changing up your personal image, changing your diet, starting a new exercise routine or something more in-depth; going back to college, starting a business or changing careers, the “why” and the “what” have to be clearly defined. No one goes into a transformation wanting to fail, but if you don’t have the proper tools in place, failure is likely what you’re setting yourself up for. Make 2023 the year that you take the appropriate steps toward a rewarding and successful transformation.

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